The Productivity Zoo: A Framework for Understanding Business Growth and Efficiency

What drives sustainable business growth? It is not just about adding more staff or resources to produce more, but making better use of the resources you already have. This balance between growth and efficiency is often elusive but essential for long-term success. While increasing turnover and profit are the ultimate goal, the efficiency with which they […]
Unlocking Growth Through Firm-Level TFP

What truly drives sustainable growth for a business? While increasing sales or profits is often celebrated, these metrics alone fail to provide a complete picture of a company’s long-term potential. Traditional financial accounting primarily focuses on the size of inputs or outputs but overlooks a fundamental question: how well does a company transform its resources into […]
Profitability is not productive. Productivity brings profits.

Many companies make a fatal mistake: they focus too much on short-term profitability. The easiest way to boost profits is to cut costs—research and development, investments, and employee training. For a while, it may seem like productivity metrics improve, and investors smile with satisfaction. But what happens in the long run? The company’s technology becomes […]
In Your Corner: A Trusted Advisor Has the Seller’s Back

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) can be an exceptionally stressful process for an unprepared business owner. It is a complex and time-consuming undertaking outside of their normal day-to-day experience. M&A is also rife with considerations beyond mere financials: legal complexities, psychological and social considerations, political power plays, and other intricacies. It is important for the business […]
Can You Sell, Can You Buy?

Buying and selling are the most fundamental and important economic activities that people and businesses engage in. Yet they are often taken for granted, with little scrutiny of how these activities are conceived and conducted. Seldom asks anyone what the capability of buying or selling really is. There are, however, discernible differences in the buying […]
Organizational Logics: An Elemental Measure to Gauge Business Capabilities

In the face of increasingly turbulent business environment, the organizations of today must be agile in sensing weak signals, making sense of the discerned patterns, deciding promptly on the way forward, and responding to the opportunities and threats in a rapid and concerted fashion. This calls for integration and requisite organizational logic across all concerns. […]
Levels-Based Organization Design – Why Does it Matter?

How the organisation is designed and implemented has a tremendous impact on its efficiency and effectiveness. Clear definition of accountabilities and authority, a right number of work levels, proper division of labour, and better matching of people to positions are more conducive to high performance than incidental, undefined structures and unrelated activity patterns. Organizations shall […]